I recieved my first set of reviews for Short Circuit recently, and have since pulled the game back out of the review process in order to fix the issues. Here’s a small list of what was found: That’s all the feedback I’ve gotten from the reviews, but that isn’t the end of my todo list. I’ve actually noted an issue myself that I plan to fix. When I initially built the custom error handler, I was developing the game for Windows. I had it coded so that you could clear the list of errors by pressing F12 on the keyboard. Obviously the XBox doesn’t have that button, so I have to provide a different method. Since I’m going to be adding error handling in virtually every piece of code in the game, I can be fairly assured that the game won’t crash, meaning the player can still navigate around the game even after a fatal error. This is good, because I plan actually doing two things with error messages. First, I’m going to display a short message on screen that essentially says an error has occurred. This message will fade out over time. Secondly, I’m going to add a new screen to the game that is designed explicitely for displaying all the error messages that have occured. This screen will not be accesible unless an error has occurred, and will then be accessible from the main menu. This screen will be a scrollable screen allowing the user to scroll through all the error messages regardless of how many there were. This screen will also provide functionality for exiting the screen and clearing the error list.