Short Circuit has passed through the peer review process and is now available for purchase on the Xbox Indie Marketplace. If you’ve been following this development blog then you would know there are some minor bugs in the game that only affect users when they first purchase the game. Rest assured that these bugs will be repaired. The process of repairing bugs is the same as getting the game published in the first place, so it may take a little bit to get the patch out, but it will be coming. During this bug fix process, I may also be removing some of the songs in an effort to cut down on the overall size of the game. Currently, with 25 full length songs included, the game reaches a whopping 100 MB. Jessica, my development advisor, and my wife, thinks that I should cut the game down to just 10 songs, leaving one song for the main menu, one song for the level complete screen, and 8 songs for the random selection for the game screen. I’ve thought about her advice and I think that she is right in her consideration, as that may help to cut the game down by over half of its total size. We’ll also have some other reprogramming to do to ensure the game complies 100% with the title safe region. Apparently the game screen is slightly out of that region so may not appear correctly on all screens. Lastly, on reviewer suggestion, I’ll be removing the capabilities to use more than one controller. There are still some issues with using additional controllers and removing the ability to use more than one controller will eliminate that entirely. As for the Short Circuit Lottery, unfortunately the lottery recieved absolutely zero entries. I guess that just goes to show how bad I am at social marketing. Either way, I’ve cancelled the lottery. However, I still have all those unused codes to hand out. So here’s what I’ll do; I’m going to give a code to the first 30 people that request one. But you have to request it through Xbox messenger, this way I know that you do have a valid Xbox live account. The first thirty people who request a code through Xbox messenger will recieve their codes also through Xbox messenger. If you send me a request for a code, please be patient as it may sometimes take me a day or two to get back to you. Rest assured, I will respond to all requests, even if I’ve run out of codes.