Over the last few weeks, I've spent a good amount of time adding new features to our website. Most of the features won't even be noticed by you, but some you will be able to see right away. Some of the not quite noticeable additions include some statistical tracking for pages and posts. I've also added some design changes that should make it easier to maintain the website. The tracking changes are major for me, because it will help me to guage what pages and posts are the most popular, so I can get an idea on what kind of content you all really like reading. There are several changes that you will be able to notice. First, the post display on most of the pages is truncated. This was necessary to enable me to be able to track how many times each post gets read. I've also changed the tutorials page to only display the tutorials titles, where used to it was showing the entirety of every tutorial. I've added a contact form to the website. I'm always asking for feedback on the site and other stuff, now you have a dedicated method of sending me that feedback. During the move to the new server, our web communication application was forgotten. This application is responsible for handling all contact requests from our mobile applications such as ThaumCheater. I have updated the communications app and republished it to the new server, so those mobile apps should be able to communicate with me correctly now. I've added a carousel to the about page, for displaying a single staff member at a time. It was really just an experiment into using carousels, but I liked how it looked, so now its on the live site. Lastly, I've fixed my twitter integration and tweaked how the twitter feed looks on the main page. I know that not everyone follows the twitter feed, but I do sometimes post important stuff there. Because of that, I felt it was really important to have the twitter feed showing on the website.