Not long ago, we told you that we have a new Discord server that you could use to communicate with us. What we didn't tell you was what our plans for that server were. Well, those plans are in place, and you're missing out if your not at least watching our Discord channels. Remember that very first policy we instated, the one about no WIP disclosures? Yeah, we remember it too. We're still following it, but we'd also like for you guys to actually see what we are doing so you don't think that we're sitting idle and inactive. We've come up with a solution that we feel will help allieviate this issue, while still adhering to the policies. Our Discord server has a channel lovingly called, "sneaky-peeky". We'll periodically post images of our current work into this channel, so you can see what we've been doing. We've also hooked our repository up so that our commit messages get posted into the channel. You are welcome to come and watch that channel to see what we are doing. You are also more than welcome to hang out and chat with each other in that channel about what we are doing. Just be aware that we will not be able to comment on anything you see, more than what we are already posting. Please enjoy the Discord, and remember that whatever you see in the sneaky-peeky channel, is confidential. Please do not disclose anything you see there, to anyone outside of the sneaky-peeky Discord channel.